The Inclusion Nation Project
“Love it. It’s just what I was looking for. Love the pages. The colors are awesome. You’re a designer — it’s what you do.”
Michelle is an author, speaker and educator with the goal of making diversity matter at work. Her Inclusion Nation business was preparing to launch a DEI (diversity, equity, inclusion) e-learning program and she wanted help with a logo and some graphics. Based on a discovery call to understand the full picture of the e-learning launch (coincidentally named Inclusion LAUNCH), we scoped the project to include a brand strategy and identity package, custom illustrations, web design (the LearnWorlds e-learning platform and Squarespace 7.1) and templates for the course workbooks and social.
As we worked through the project together we identified additional scope that would support sales growth and scaling her team and business:
in-depth definition of 6 additional client personas, distinct messaging and the associated sales journeys
systems integration design and build to support lead capture, marketing, scheduling, sales and ongoing client relationship management including multiple Squarespace7.1 sites, Mailchimp, Dubsado and LearnWorlds
business process operations manual to manage, maintain and grow the tech ecosystem
We knew that anything created by this powerhouse—who works with names like the United Nations, US Department of Education, Gap, Facebook, Pfizer, Ford…—was going to be excellent. No pressure.
Before we started with any design, we explored:
her revenue and visibility goals,
her core values of strength, authenticity and respect,
her audience’s need to be included and emboldened,
and the landscape of DEI education.
We considered how color psychology would telegraph authenticity, courage and optimism (hello purple, red, yellow) and designed a vibrant palette that captures her bold and compassionate approach to what can sometimes be uncomfortable work: we termed this gracious and audacious.
The typeface used in the logotypes is strong and structured while also representing an important facet of Michelle’s ethos: we can have thriving workplaces, and a society, that “celebrate and engage the full breadth of personal identity and experience” (we wrote that last part).
So often branding for diversity programs includes a blending of colors, presumably illustrating that two can come together to make a third. This makes sense, but Michelle suggests we can eliminate exclusionary behaviors without being something we’re not. The LAUNCH, LIVE and LEAD logotypes include various shapes, colors and sizes that work together beautifully. Differences are celebrated, no homogenization required. (See her “We Are Not a Melting Pot” TEDx talk here.)
The new Inclusion Nation logomark extends this further: multiple colors coming together in a structured and organic, sometimes messy (enter “hard conversations”) way.
With an audience that ranges from large companies and firms to individuals interested in driving change, the illustrations needed to work for both the Fortune 100 and a younger generation of professionals. We reimagined the traditional corporate graphics from the 90’s with an artist’s eye and a lens of diversity.
What a project, right? We can’t wait to see this take off.
logo before our engagement

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